Ayup Thunderstorm, me owd mucka, dinna tek it t'art, nae arm meant. Nah look what tha's caused, OP's gone awol?

Forum: Just seen this, soz for the offense taken, none meant, I'm no racist, daughter-in-law is a black lass, love her to bits.

When we say Jap bike it's like we call our Triumphs Brit bikes, or our old'ns Brit iron, we don't mean them any offense or they wouldn't start or they'd break down.

We have folk our side of pond love to play the race game. You may recall our most infamous & vocal politician.

Ha Just joshing ya Thunderstorm. Peace is bliss eh m8.

Current: 1958 Ariel 650 FH, 2014 Tiger Sport1050, 1995 XT225 Serow, 2016 Tiger 800 XRx.